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Holy Fingers present:


Date:15 Feb 2024
Location:Bürgerhaus Glockenbachwerkstatt

PRUILLIP is a Belgian sludge duo founded in 2021 by Louis Evrard (Bert Dockx Band, Grid Ravage, Ottla) and Annelies Van Dinter (Echo Beatty, Takh & Naga Ghost).

Their music is best described as 'captivating', 'hypnotic' or simply 'loud' and is reminiscent of the sound of legendary 'Earth' from the 90s. In their other bands they play the opposite instruments, but in PRUILLIP Annelies returns to her first love, the drums, while Louis proves to be an excellent guitarist.

Their intense live shows with relentless rolls of sound that dig deep into the audience's bodies and evoke elemental emotions are almost legendary despite the band's relatively short existence, and we are delighted that PRUILLIP are now coming to Munich for the first time with their self-titled debut album, which was released in November to great critical acclaim!

Louis Evrard: Guitar & Moog
Annelies Van Dinter: Drums & Vocals
