Holy Fingers Logo

About Us

We are Chloé, Lee, Myriam, Abi, Ju and Peter. A group of six friends in Munich, organizing concerts as "Holy Fingers" since 2017.
We love live music, we go to see concerts and listen to music together all the time and at some point we got tired of our favorite bands never coming to our city.
So we just bring them here ourselves.
Without profit.

Our city is a difficult place, especially for lesser-known bands. Professional promoters need the profit, but we don't want that.
Communication, advertising, poster and flyer design, hotel booking, ticketing, and organizing the concerts, we do it all ourselves.

And because we are DIY and don't want to make a profit, we can pay better fees for the artists and charge cheaper ticket prices for the audience.
However, since we don't just want to do our own thing and want to promote unity in the cultural sector of this city, we place a lot of value on communication, interaction and collaboration with other promoters, labels and artists in Munich, and often organize concerts as joint productions.

By doing all this, we give music to our city which wouldn't be possible to experience if we didn't have our fingers in the pie of Munich's event business.

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