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Holy Fingers present:

Closet Disco Queen + Ironkid (support)

Date:27 Mar 2017
Location:Unter Deck

(ENGLISH VERSION BELOW) Endlich in München!

CLOSET DISCO QUEEN (CH) + support Ironkid (München)

2014 wurde CLOSET DISCO QUEEN als Seitenprojekt der nie ermüdenden Schweizer Tour-Veteranen Luc Hess und Jona Nido (COILGUNS, KUNZ, THE OCEAN, THE FAWN, SCHWARZ, etc.) ins Leben gerufen. Eigentlich wollten die beiden auf einem Festival spontan für eine ausgefallene Band einspringen, aber irgendwie konnten Sie damit dann doch nicht mehr aufhören. Zum Glück! … Denn seitdem hat das Vodka-getränkte Duo mehr als den halben Erdball (China, Russland, Support für BARONESS auf deren Europa Tour, etc.) verseucht und mit Ihrem rohen, partytauglichen progressiv-psychedelischen Instrumental-70’s-Kraut-Rock-Sound auch den steifsten Konzertbesucher zum Schunkeln gebracht. Selten ist es einer Band mit nur 2 Instrumenten gelungen, wie eine wild gewordene Armee langhaariger 70s Rocker in Western-Boots zu klingen. Nastrovje! https://hummusrecords.bandcamp.com/album/s-t-5

Finally in Munich! CLOSET DISCO QUEEN (CH) + support Ironkid (Munich)

“Forged in the darkest recesses of the mind, Closet Disco Queen is the diabolical offspring of Jona Nido and Luc Hess, two musicians who have traipsed to the very borders of insanity with such unique musical entities as Coilguns, Kunz and The Ocean and yet lived to tell the tale. Spawned in 2014 as a means to plug a gap in a festival line up, the sole aspiration of these Swiss degenerates is to live the Spinal Tap dream: playing perpetually at 11 to audiences scattered far and wide across the globe and to this end they have already blazed a trail across Asia and Russia, not to mention decimating Baroness’ audiences during a sweaty tour of Europe. Alcohol-fuelled the band’s mission may be, but it is such purity of spirit that fans the flames of true rock ‘n’ roll and it lies far from the carefully manicured, preening individuals so often mistaken for rock stars in the modern world. Intense and driven by the same exploratory spirit that fuelled the progressive rock bands of the late 70s, Closet Disco Queen are a duo that, even on record, sound like an army, not least thanks to the dark majesty of Magnus Lindberg’s mastering on their debut LP. The band’s instrumental insanity will undoubtedly expand your horizons and, once you’ve experienced it you may never hear music the same way again, but then, that may not be such a bad thing…”- Phil Stiles / Sonic Abuse https://hummusrecords.bandcamp.com/album/s-t-5

Closet Disco Queen + Ironkid (support)